Wie sagt man das…

by reestheskin on 06/10/2016

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When I was a child, growing up in Wales, my father would express puzzlement that I didn’t seem to know how to pronounce certain words. He didn’t get that since Welsh was his equal first tongue — but not mine— knowing how you pronounce Welsh words was obvious to him, but not to me. For my part, it was only scores of years later that I realised some of his verbal mannerisms were not just odd idiosyncratic English or slang, but Welsh, although the meaning was clear to me. I  had just not realised these were Welsh words or phrases, and of course I too would use them.

I have noted in the past, that when students mispronounce some of these dreadful dermatological terms, it was a signal that they had read about a disease, but had never been taught on that disease. It signalled to me how much they were acquiring on their own. English is like that, certainly in comparison with German: until you hear the word spoken, guessing how you say it, is tricky. More so, when you chuck in the various languages that contribute to the dermatological lexicon — and when they are then spoken / bastardised by English speakers.

But today, a student today pointed out that it would be helpful to include how words are pronounced in our course material. I am not certain how to do this yet, but I can believe that not knowing how to pronounce a term might ‘inhibit’ thinking and ‘silent talking’ about the topic (I do not know whether there is any research to back this opinion up).