• 02/11/2020

    From this week’s Economist | Breaking through

    Yet nowhere too little capital is being channelled into innovation. Spending on R&D has three main sources: venture capital, governments and energy companies. Their combined annual investment into technology and innovative companies focused on the climate is over $80bn. For comparison, that is a bit more than twice the R&D spending of a single tech firm, Amazon.

    Market and state failure may go together. Which brings me back to Stewart Brand’s idea of Pace Layering

    Education is intellectual infrastructure. So is science. They have very high yield, but delayed payback. Hasty societies that can’t span those delays will lose out over time to societies that can. On the other hand, cultures too hidebound to allow education to advance at infrastructural pace also lose out.

    Pace Layering: How Complex Systems Learn and Keep Learning

    I won’t even mention COVID-19.